Equal Rites

Discworld #3 and Discworld - Witches #1

In Equal Rites, New York Times bestselling author Terry Pratchett brings readers back to Discworld, a fantasy universe where anything can happen—and usually does.

A dying wizard tries to pass his staff on to the eighth son of an eighth son. When it is revealed that the he is a girl named Esk, the news of the  female wizard sends the citizens of Discworld into a tail-spin.

With their biting satire and limitless imagination, it is easy to understand why 80 million Discworld books have been sold worldwide. Equal Rites possesses rich characterizations, a journey of awareness, and even a hint of romance from master storyteller Terry Pratchett.

This work appears in several series

Booko found 128 book editions and 2 video editions

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Jan, 1777
New: $56.52

Used: $77.69
New: $90.80

New: $59.89

Used: $56.80

Used: $746.26

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