You Can't Scare Me!

Goosebumps #15

Eddie and his friends plan to dress up as the slimy Mud Monsters--legendary spooks who supposedly live in Muddy Creek--but their plans change when they meet the real Mud Monsters.

Part of the series Goosebumps

Booko found 35 book editions

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Sep, 2016

Aug, 2011
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Jan, 2000

Used: $29.55
Oct, 1999

Used: $101.78
Jul, 1997

Used: $27.57

Dec, 2015
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Used: $6.00
Aug, 2011

United States Jan, 2011
New: $20.11

Used: $17.28
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Aug, 2005
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Used: $26.36
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Mar, 2004
New: $54.45

Used: $12.51
Mar, 2004

Jul, 1997

Dec, 1995

Aug, 1995
New: $23.23

Used: $9.00
Feb, 1995

Used: $10.99
Jan, 1994

Apr, 2017
New: $41.97

Used: $86.34
Jun, 1996

Used: $40.84

Used: $308.08
Mar, 1995
New: $67.26

Used: $64.74
Jan, 2002

Used: $29.51
Jun, 1995

Jan, 2017
New: $3.39

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