Christmas By Candlelight

It's three days before Christmas and just starting to snow . . . Against her better judgement, Libby Pugh has been persuaded by her best friend to stop in on their university reunion on her way back from a wedding in North Yorkshire with her new boyfriend, Max. Their host is Archie Templeton, the playboy of their group, who has finally inherited his father's title and estate - even if the latter is more stately heap than palace. Libby is surprised at how good it feels to catch up, despite the fact that her humble background has always meant she has felt a little out of place among her more privileged friends. The night is a great success but when they come to leave, the road is now impassable and she and Max are given a bed for the night. At first being snowed in with old friends is rather lovely - the next day is spent in high spirits as they wait for the local farmer to clear the snow. But as the hours pass and he doesn't come, everyone grows restless. Christmas is two days away and everyone has other plans, other places to be. Then the power goes out . . .

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