The Attachment

Dear Ailsa, Sometimes I wonder whether the friendship that has caught us both - a most unlikely friendship I must confess - might find an echo in a far off Irish village somewhere in the wild, windy hills of old Donegal. Or am I allowing that uncontrollable imagination of mine too much slack? This is the story of an unlikely friendship. When priest and Sydneysider Tony Doherty emailed Melbourne-based writer and performer Ailsa Piper to say how much he had enjoyed her latest book, he was met with

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Aug, 2017
New: $25.89

Aug, 2017

Aug, 2017
New: $20.87

Aug, 2017

May, 2017

Apr, 2017
New: $27.71

Used: $52.46
Mar, 2017
New: $16.99

Mar, 2017
New: $16.99

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