Unpolished Gem

Unpolished Gem is a book rich in comedy, a loving and irreverent portrait of a family, its everyday struggles and bittersweet triumphs.  With it, Australian writing gains an unforgettable new voice.

Booko found 19 book editions

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Dec, 2015

Dec, 2015

Jan, 2009

Nov, 2013
New: $34.25

Sep, 2012

Sep, 2012
New: $193.21

Sep, 2012

Used: $96.28
Sep, 2012

Australia May, 2012
New: $22.49

Dec, 2009
New: $59.51

May, 2009
New: $40.26

Used: $23.24
Jan, 2009
New: $30.23

Used: $24.53
Jan, 2009
New: $42.86

Aug, 2008

Used: $21.93
Sep, 2006
New: $11.99

Aug, 2006
New: $11.99

Australia Aug, 2006
New: $25.19

Used: $13.99

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