The Choice

THE AWARDWINNING INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER'One of those rare and eternal stories you don't want to end and that leave you forever changed' - Desmond Tutu'A masterpiece of holocaust literature. Her memoir, like her life, is extraordinary, harrowing and inspiring in equal measure' – The Times Literary Supplement‘I can’t imagine a more important message for modern times. Eger’s book is a triumph' - The New York Times'Little dancer', Mengele says, ‘dance for me’In 1944, sixteen-year-old ballerina Edith Eger was sent to Auschwitz. Separated from her parents on arrival, she endures unimaginable experiences, including being made to dance for the infamous Josef Mengele. When the camp is finally liberated, she is pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive.The horrors of the Holocaust didn't break Edith. In fact, they helped her learn to live again with a life-affirming strength and a truly remarkable resilience. The Choice is her unforgettable story. It shows that hope can flower in the most unlikely places.

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