EmmaMacmillan Collector's Library

Beautiful, clever, rich – and single Emma Woodhouse is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic lives of others. But when she ignores the warnings of her good friend Mr Knightley and attempts to arrange a suitable match for her protigie Harriet Smith, her carefully laid plans soon unravel...

Booko found 190 book editions

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United Kingdom Feb, 2002
New: $39.83

United States Sep, 2001
New: $90.95

Used: $21.79
United States May, 2001
New: $20.76

Used: $18.55
Apr, 2001

Used: $40.56
Aug, 2000

Jun, 2000
New: $60.26

Used: $13.22
May, 2000

Used: $129.72
May, 2000

May, 2000

Nov, 1999
New: $89.11

Used: $12.46
Oct, 1999

Aug, 1999
New: $174.18

Used: $17.62
United States Mar, 1999
New: $12.89

Used: $12.64
Jun, 1997

Apr, 1997

Jan, 1997
New: $38.41

Used: $29.43
Dec, 1996
New: $156.25

Sep, 1996

Used: $13.19
Sep, 1996
New: $167.31

Jun, 1994

Used: $29.43
Jan, 1994
New: $19.24

Used: $13.19
United Kingdom May, 1992
New: $14.54

Used: $14.31
United States Nov, 1991
New: $41.53

Used: $30.10
United Kingdom Feb, 1991
New: $35.53

Used: $21.78
United Kingdom Oct, 1988

Used: $85.61
Jan, 1985
New: $15.97

Used: $21.85
Jan, 1984
New: $47.99

Nov, 1983

Oct, 1982
New: $328.32

Used: $229.08
Aug, 1975
New: $30.39

Used: $13.35
Mar, 1963
New: $51.05

Used: $22.34
Jan, 1956

Used: $19.75
New: $40.35

Used: $22.73
Nov, 2014

Jan, 2011

Dec, 2007

Jan, 1997

Oct, 2012

Oct, 2010

Oct, 2008

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of EmmaMacmillan Collector's Library.