The Merry Wives of Windsor

Shakespearean comedy

Shakespeare's comedy of middle class Elizabethan life in a substantial and scholarly new Arden edition.

Booko found 94 book editions

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Jul, 2014
New: $0.99

Aug, 2012
New: $46.88

Mar, 2012

Sep, 2011

Apr, 2011
New: $23.43

Used: $21.54
Sep, 2010
New: $2.65

Sep, 2010

Sep, 2010
New: $49.82

Sep, 2010

Sep, 2010

Sep, 2010

Aug, 2010

May, 2010

Feb, 2010
New: $23.85

Used: $23.80
Jan, 2010

Nov, 2009

Oct, 2009

Oct, 2009

Oct, 2009

Jul, 2009
New: $34.85

Used: $34.44
United States Mar, 2009
New: $22.75

Used: $30.56
Jan, 2009
New: $326.20

Aug, 2008

Aug, 2008

Jul, 2008
New: $19.79

Used: $12.51
May, 2008
New: $25.19

Used: $21.54
Mar, 2008
New: $45.71

Used: $12.10
Jan, 2008
New: $29.44

Jan, 2008
New: $43.82

Used: $168.04
Oct, 2007
New: $91.83

Mar, 2007
New: $50.95

Jan, 2007
New: $38.21

Used: $13.38
Aug, 2006
New: $152.21

Used: $151.18
Aug, 2006

Jan, 2006
New: $18.21

Used: $21.35
Sep, 2005
New: $156.18

Used: $13.89
Sep, 2005
New: $10.99

Jul, 2004
New: $54.99

Used: $22.36
Apr, 2003
New: $14.95

Used: $17.29
Feb, 2002
New: $22.26

Used: $21.00
Dec, 1999
New: $130.74

Used: $252.88
Sep, 1995
New: $40.45

Used: $10.99
Feb, 1990
New: $39.18

Used: $51.50
Jun, 1971

Used: $38.08

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of The Merry Wives of Windsor.