
Modern Tale of Faerie and Modern Faerie Tales Series #1

Do you believe in faeries? Not the soft, gentle kind, but the sinister, feral kind - the ones that wreak havoc on everything in their path... As a small child Kaye used to talk to faeries. Now at sixteen she is fierce and independent, travelling from city to city with her mother's rock band, until an ominous attack forces them to return to her childhood home and friends. Once there, Kaye discovers that her childhood memories were real and she is drawn into a secret faerie world by an attraction that she is unable to fight. Finding herself an unwilling pawn in an ancient and violent power struggle between two rival faerie kingdoms, Kaye agrees to go along with a plan to disrupt the human sacrifice that binds her faerie friends to their unkind masters. But not everyone has been telling her the truth and she is soon in grave danger...

This work appears in several series

Booko found 49 book editions

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New: $79.11

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United Kingdom Aug, 2009

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Apr, 2004

Used: $32.99
Apr, 2004

United States Feb, 2004

Aug, 2003
New: $424.99

Feb, 2003

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