Le chant de Salomon

(Song Of Solomon)

BY THE NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING AUTHOR OF BELOVED Song of Solomon begins in 1930s America with Macon Dead Jr, the son of a wealthy black property owner, who has been brought up to revere the white world. Macon learns about the tyranny of white society from his friend Guitar, though he is more concerned with escaping the familial tyranny of his own father. So while Guitar joins a terrorist group of poor blacks, Macon goes home to the South, lured by tales of buried family treasure. But his odyssey back home and a deadly confrontation with Guitar leads to the discovery of something infinitely more valuable than gold: his past and the origins of his true self. Winner of the PEN/Saul Bellow award for achievement in American fiction

Booko found 93 book editions

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United States Jun, 1999

United States Jan, 1999

May, 1998

Dec, 1995

Nov, 1995

London Nov, 1995

Dec, 1994

Jan, 1994

United Kingdom Nov, 1993

Oct, 1993

Sep, 1989

Sep, 1989

Sep, 1988

Sep, 1987

United States Sep, 1987

Sep, 1987

United States Oct, 1985

Nov, 1981

United Kingdom Jun, 1980

Nov, 1978

Nov, 1978

Nov, 1978

Nov, 1978

Nov, 1978

Aug, 1977

Jun, 1999

Aug, 1993

Aug, 1999

Jun, 1993

May, 2008

Aug, 2005

Feb, 1997

Aug, 1996

Oct, 1995

Dec, 1985

Oct, 1993

Jan, 1979

Nov, 1997

Sep, 1994

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