Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter #2

HARRY POTTER is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last...

Booko found 523 book editions and 14 video editions

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Jul, 2006

Dec, 2002
New: $59.82

Used: $55.58
Jul, 2001

Jan, 2000
New: $64.49

Mar, 2019
New: $68.23

Used: $51.10
Feb, 2019
New: $67.60

Used: $185.80
Feb, 2019
New: $81.40

Used: $190.77
Nov, 2017
New: $65.41

Oct, 2017
New: $27.00

Used: $23.17
May, 2017

Oct, 2016
New: $47.32

Used: $192.34
Oct, 2016
New: $50.46

Used: $48.11
Oct, 2016
New: $77.33

Used: $97.65
Dec, 2015
New: $10.99

Mar, 2014

Nov, 2012

Apr, 2012

Sep, 2011
New: $226.13

Used: $18.91
Oct, 2008
New: $651.21

Jun, 2007

Used: $496.44
Jan, 2007
New: $162.41

Used: $17.44
Jan, 2006

Mar, 2004

Mar, 2004
New: $66.16

Used: $86.57
Nov, 1999

Sep, 1999
New: $89.80

Used: $17.94
Aug, 1999

Mar, 1999

Jan, 1999
New: $477.20

Used: $56.87

Sep, 2018
New: $38.94

Used: $44.65
Oct, 2016
New: $68.90

Used: $88.76
Dec, 2015
New: $10.99

Nov, 2015

Aug, 2013

Sep, 2010
New: $51.38

Used: $50.00
Mar, 2009

Oct, 2008

Jan, 2007

Mar, 2006
New: $28.65

Used: $18.94
United Kingdom Oct, 2002

Oct, 2002

Oct, 2002

Oct, 2002

Jul, 2002

Used: $328.81
Sep, 2000

Used: $37.65
Dec, 1999

Used: $34.13
Dec, 1999
New: $129.74

Used: $19.49

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.