Misspent Youth

Commonwealth Saga

Peter F. Hamilton was born in Rutland in 1960 and still lives nearby. He began writing in 1987, and sold his first short story to Fear magazine in 1988. He has written many bestselling novels, including the Greg Mandel series, the Night's Dawn trilogy, the Commonwealth Saga, the Void trilogy, two short story collections and several standalone novels. Find out more about Peter F. Hamilton at www.peterfhamilton.co.uk , or discover more Pan Macmillan and Tor UK books at www.torbooks.co.uk

Booko found 18 book editions

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Jan, 2016

Aug, 2009

Sep, 2021
New: $22.73

Used: $16.18
Nov, 2016
New: $29.89

Nov, 2016
New: $39.98

Nov, 2016

Jan, 2016
New: $150.21

Used: $13.40
Jan, 2016
New: $93.04

Jan, 2016

Jan, 2016

United Kingdom May, 2013
New: $46.45

Used: $15.18
Sep, 2008
New: $84.21

Used: $28.09
Jan, 2006
New: $145.31

Used: $12.49
Dec, 2002
New: $9.99

Dec, 2002
New: $9.99

Nov, 2002
New: $180.54

Used: $21.86
Nov, 2002

Used: $18.62

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