Modern social work theory

This welcome new edition of a best-selling text offers a comprehensive survey of major theories relevant to social work practice and a clear assessment of the role and value of each approach based on the current critical literature. The book builds on the strength of the previous editions, with a major recasting of the first two chapters to bring them up to date, a wholly new chapter on feminist theory, and a greater emphasis on applying theory to practice. Taken together, the revisions will secure the continuing value of this world-class textbook as an invaluable companion for social work students and educators alike.

Booko found 9 book editions

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Jan, 2014
New: $193.14

Used: $106.54
Dec, 2013
New: $44.50

Used: $25.28
Apr, 2005
New: $97.14

Used: $28.60
Feb, 2005
New: $59.90

Used: $22.04
Dec, 1997
New: $137.21

Used: $25.06
Mar, 1997

Used: $14.92
Dec, 1990

Nov, 1990
New: $46.05

Used: $17.32
Jul, 1990

Used: $24.62

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