Five Have A Wonderful Time

The Famous Five #11

Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog find excitement and adventure wherever they go in Enid Blyton's most popular series.In book eleven, the Famous Five are on an adventurous holiday in horse-drawn caravans. They discover a ruined castle that looks deserted. But is that a face at the window? Or is it a trick of the light?Just who is hiding in the castle?This 70th anniversary edition features the text from the Classic edition. Its cover has been illustrated by Steve Antony, but there are no inside illustrations. All anniversary editions, each illustrated by a different artist, benefit the House of Illustration, the world's first dedicated home for the art of illustration (

Booko found 53 book editions

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Dec, 2010

Nov, 2002

Mar, 1997

Jul, 1994

Used: $159.12

May, 2017
New: $16.22

Used: $29.22
May, 2016
New: $18.38

Used: $12.19
Oct, 2014
New: $9.99

Dec, 2012

United Kingdom Feb, 2011
New: $22.79

Used: $40.00
United Kingdom Sep, 2010
New: $32.95

Used: $14.63
Nov, 2007

Used: $24.29
Sep, 2001
New: $32.85

Used: $11.20
Nov, 2000

Mar, 2000
New: $76.46

Used: $15.77
United Kingdom May, 1998

Used: $27.43
Jan, 1998

May, 1997
New: $15.99

Used: $9.49
Jan, 1997
New: $187.99

Apr, 1996

Used: $12.06
Jan, 1995

Used: $14.71
Sep, 1992
New: $34.85

Used: $12.64
Apr, 1991

Used: $13.14
Apr, 1984

Jan, 1983
New: $49.84

Jul, 1978
New: $33.53

Used: $11.74
Apr, 1974

Dec, 1952

Used: $60.04
Jun, 1998

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