Rainbow six

(Rainbow Six)

Jack Ryan Universe #11

Featuring John Clark, the ex-Navy SEAL known from several of Clancy's novels, this is Tom Clancy's new and most extraordinary novel. John Clark is the man who conducts the secret missions President Ryan can have no part of. Whether hunting warlords in Japan or Columbian druglords, Clark is efficient and deadly but even he has ghosts in his past, demons that must be exorcised. And none worse than the peril he must face in RAINBOW SIX: a group of terrorists the world has never encountered before, a band of men and women so extreme that their success could literally mean the end of life as we know it. It is Tom Clancy's most shocking story ever - closer to reality than any government would care to admit.

Booko found 111 book editions

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Used: $120.66
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Used: $36.22
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Dec, 2013
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Used: $40.35
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New: $305.21

Sep, 1999
New: $21.88

Used: $15.28
Aug, 1999
New: $90.29

Used: $14.25
United States Feb, 1999
New: $105.31

Used: $40.45

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