The Death Gate Cycle

The Seventh Gate is the thrilling conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. In this tale of treachery, power, and heroism, Alfred, Haplo, and Marit embark on a journey of death and discovery as they seek to enter the dreaded Seventh Gate. Encountering enemies both old and new, they unleash a magic no power can control, damning themselves to an apocalypse of unimagined proportion in a final struggle between good and evil. From the Paperback edition.

Booko found 8 book editions

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Jul, 1997

Oct, 1995

Dec, 2007
New: $11.99

United States Jan, 1996
New: $21.34

Used: $16.20
Dec, 1995

Jan, 1995

Used: $14.68
Nov, 1994

Used: $24.02
Sep, 1994
New: $55.47

Used: $25.30

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