Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body

In this Tenth Anniversary Edition, Susan Bordo examines how women's fantasies of transcending their material existence have led to narcissistic efforts to reinvent themselves. Infatuated with youth, surrounded by homogenous representations of beauty, they surrender themselves to plastic surgeons in ever greater numbers for larger breasts, smaller noses, collagen-plumped lips and wrinkle-free faces. The author's preface brings the book up to date in 2003 and Leslie Heywood's foreword places Susan Bordo's work in the front ranks of the research on women and their bodies.

Booko found 6 book editions

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Dec, 2023

Aug, 1995
New: $183.30

United States Dec, 1993

United States Jan, 2004
New: $44.62

Used: $23.66
Sep, 1995
New: $61.78

Used: $24.16
Sep, 1993
New: $110.21

Used: $42.05

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