Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter #4

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, now in a stunning new adult hardcover edition.

Booko found 208 book editions and 12 video editions

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Feb, 2002
New: $116.61

Used: $31.47
Jan, 2002
New: $355.21

Used: $277.25
New: $144.21

Aug, 2016

Dec, 2014
New: $100.63

Dec, 2014
New: $101.12

Dec, 2014

Jan, 2000
New: $46.32

Used: $62.50
Jan, 2000

Used: $43.67
Jan, 2000
New: $131.41

Used: $32.66
Jan, 2000
New: $78.00

Used: $46.92
Jan, 2001
New: $100.08

Used: $63.91
Feb, 2017
New: $10.99

Oct, 2018
New: $10.99

Oct, 2018
New: $10.99

Jan, 2004

May, 2018

Mar, 2007
New: $38.00

Used: $57.84
Jan, 2005

Used: $110.28
Jan, 2005

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.