Alice et le flibustier

(The Haunted Showboat)

Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #35

TM & 2006 Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Part of the series Nancy Drew Mystery Stories

Booko found 19 book editions

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Jan, 2006
New: $143.46

Used: $133.70
Jan, 1985

Used: $10.99
Jan, 1978

Used: $13.95
Oct, 1977

Used: $17.69
Oct, 1974

Used: $29.73
Jan, 1972

Used: $35.55
Jan, 1958
New: $21.41

Used: $17.75
Jan, 1958
New: $10.99

Jan, 1958
New: $10.99

Jun, 2001

Used: $47.02
Feb, 1994

Used: $18.83

Used: $19.11

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of The Haunted Showboat.