First Test

Protector of the Small #1

The first in the epic Protector of the Small series from award-winning US author, Tamora Pierce. Kel is the first girl to enlist as a page at the palace of Tortall - the first who has dared. She dreams of training to be a warrior knight, like the glorious Alanna, but there's a long way to go...

Booko found 35 book editions

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Nov, 2007

Australia Aug, 2006

Used: $26.36

Sep, 2019
New: $22.52

Used: $30.77
Sep, 2019

Sep, 2019

Apr, 2009

Apr, 2008

Used: $64.53
Dec, 2007

Dec, 2007

Nov, 2007
New: $226.69

Used: $98.36
Oct, 2007

Aug, 2006
New: $11.99

Aug, 2006
New: $11.89

Dec, 2004
New: $347.26

Used: $19.89
Aug, 2004
New: $23.48

Used: $19.74
Aug, 2004
New: $41.93

Aug, 2004
New: $40.93

Aug, 2004

Jan, 2002

Used: $24.54
Jan, 2002

Sep, 2000

Sep, 2000

Sep, 2000
New: $160.26

Used: $20.14
May, 2000

May, 2000

Used: $37.09
Jan, 2000

Used: $21.81
Jun, 1999
New: $140.57

Used: $59.11
May, 1999

Used: $60.71

Aug, 2007

Used: $26.97

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