The Iron King

"This is the original Game of Thrones" –George RR Martin

The Iron King – Philip the Fair – is as cold and silent, as handsome and unblinking as a statue. He governs his realm with an iron hand, but he cannot rule his own family: his sons are weak and their wives adulterous; while his red-blooded daughter Isabella is unhappily married to an English king who prefers the company of men.

A web of scandal, murder and intrigue is weaving itself around the Iron King; but his downfall will come from an unexpected quarter. Bent on the persecution of the rich and powerful Knights Templar, Philip sentences Grand Master Jacques Molay to be burned at the stake, thus drawing down upon himself a curse that will destroy his entire dynasty…

Booko found 11 book editions

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Jul, 1968

United Kingdom Apr, 2013
New: $23.76

Used: $17.70
Mar, 2013
New: $10.99

Jan, 2013
New: $10.99

Jan, 2013
New: $107.37

Used: $19.90
Nov, 1987
New: $171.03

Used: $15.38
Dec, 2014

Jun, 1985

Oct, 1974

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