The Picts And The Martyrs

Swallows and Amazons #11

The dreaded Great Aunt has invited herself to stay with Nancy and Peggy just as their friends Dick and Dorothea arrive for the Summer holiday. Nancy and Peggy have to become Martyrs, wearing dresses and reading poetry (but breaking out at night), while Dick and Dorothea become Picts, secret inhabitants of the country who must never let themselves be seen. It's a desperate gamble to keep everyone out of trouble - but can it possibly work against the eagle eyes of the fearsome Great Aunt?

Booko found 9 book editions

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Oct, 2002

Mar, 2015
New: $20.89

Used: $18.12
Mar, 2015
New: $15.99

Nov, 2012
New: $193.21

Used: $67.81
United Kingdom Sep, 2003
New: $9.99

United Kingdom Apr, 2002
New: $22.43

Used: $16.66
Jul, 1993
New: $103.00

Used: $15.07
United Kingdom Sep, 1984
New: $39.18

Used: $22.73
Jan, 1971

Used: $13.09

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