The Rim of Space

John Grimes Rimworld

They told Derek Calver that he'd find an odd bunch among the Rim Runners out on the edge of space: Refugees from the Interstellar Transport Commission from the Survey Service, the Waverly Royal Mail and the Trans-Galactic Clip¬pers, and so on. But Calver didn't mind; he said he was a refugee from the Com¬mission himself.He might have added that he was a refugee from Derek Calver, the mistakes he had made, the opportunities he had thrown away, the dreams that had been lost. And there, aboard the Lorn Lady, the worn-out obsolete ship that, like most of the others here, had once been a proud vessel of the inner worlds, he found Jane Arlen, who called herself "Calamity" Jane and avoided men for fear of the disaster she was sure she would bring them.One of Jane's first questions when she met Calver was: "Are you a happy drunk?"When he said "no," she continued: "Then you're one of us. You'll make a real Rim Runner, skimming the edge of eternity in a super-annuated rust-bucket held together with old string & ...

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United States May, 1981
New: $195.47

Used: $22.59
May, 1981

Used: $18.31

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