Fire sale

V.I. Warshawski Novels

Coaching the basketball team at her former South Chicago high school, V.I. Warshawski investigates sabotage at the site of the area's largest employer, where an explosion has killed the facility's owner and launched a dangerous family rivalry.

Booko found 18 book editions

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Jul, 2006

Dec, 2012

Dec, 2012
New: $191.21

Used: $87.08
Feb, 2011
New: $119.15

Sep, 2009

Sep, 2008
New: $12.99

Jul, 2006
New: $21.51

Used: $14.29
United Kingdom Jun, 2006
New: $22.15

Used: $16.51
United Kingdom Mar, 2006
New: $54.69

Used: $19.30
United States Jun, 2005
New: $36.88

Used: $19.91
Jun, 2005

Used: $42.85
Jun, 2005

Used: $44.03
Jun, 2005

Jun, 2005

Used: $50.93

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