The Conformity

Renowned Franciscan scholar Paul Sabatier called it "the most important work that has been made on the life of Saint Francis." The Book of the Conformity (often called The Conformities) represents the highest point of medieval glorification of the figure of St. Francis. It contains a nearly complete record of the saint's own writings, and a vast store of material from all the known hagiographical legends of the saint from the 13th through late 14th centuries. In addition, it has extensive lists of the places where Franciscan friars, Poor Clare nuns and Franciscan tertiaries lived and ministered, with personal details about many Franciscan personages, both famous and obscure. Book jacket.

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Apr, 2020
New: $321.37

Used: $489.48
Mar, 2020

Mar, 2020

Mar, 2020

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