Stolen Tongues

A romantic cabin getaway doesn't go exactly as planned.High up on the windswept cliffs of Pale Peak, Faye and Felix celebrate their new engagement. But soon, a chorus of ghastly noises erupts from the nearby woods: the screams of animals, the cries of children, and the mad babble of a hundred mournful voices. A dark figure looms near the windows in the dead of night, whispering to Faye. As the weather turns deadly, Felix discovers that his terrified fiance isn't just mumbling in her sleep - she's whispering back. Originally a contest-winning story on's horror community NoSleep, Stolen Tongues has received widespread acclaim and is now being adapted into a feature film.

Booko found 5 book editions

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Jun, 2022

Jun, 2022
New: $95.83

Jun, 2017
New: $6.88

Jun, 2017
New: $33.80

Used: $33.59

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