The Longview: Lasting Strategies for Rising Leaders

Many of todays ministries suffer from a near-sighted vision. Too often leaders choose easy solutions over principled, long-term strategies. The results can be devastating, as ignored issues become full-blown crises, and small problems become big challenges. The world needs leaders who take the long viewthose who value transformation over turn-around, and measure results in terms of eternity, not quarterly reports. Its a view that looks beyond the horizon, and prepares for uncharted territory. The Long View is a fresh approach to leadership that will transform how leaders make decisions and address problems. Dr. Roger Parrott offers proven, practical principles drawn from Scripture and his renowned career in educational leadership. In The Long View both new and seasoned leaders will find proven, practical principles that can transform their church, ministry, or business.

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Jan, 2010
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Oct, 2009
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Used: $18.40

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