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Cold is the Grave

Inspector Banks series

The nude photo of a teenage runaway shows up on a pornographic website, and the girl's father turns to Detective Chief Inspector Alan banks for help. But these are typical circumstances, for the runaway is the daughter of a man who's determined to destroy the dedicated Yorkshire policeman's career and good name. Still it is a case that strikes painfully home, one that Banks—a father himself—dares not ignore as he follows it's squalid trail into teeming London, and into a world of drugs, sex, and crime. But murder follows soon after—gruesome ,sensational, and, more than once—pulling Banks in a direction that he dearly does not wish to go: into the past and private world of his most powerful enemy, Chief Constable Jimmy Riddle.

Booko found 25 book editions

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Oct, 2009

Aug, 2009

United Kingdom May, 2001

Apr, 2001

Feb, 2001

Sep, 2016
New: $35.19

Used: $20.65
Aug, 2016
New: $38.91

Used: $17.92
United Kingdom Dec, 2011
New: $232.94

Used: $15.55
Jan, 2007
New: $99.69

Used: $29.53
May, 2002

United Kingdom Dec, 2001
New: $177.39

Used: $12.51
Sep, 2001
New: $59.80

Used: $21.92
Sep, 2001

Aug, 2001

Used: $23.36
Mar, 2001
New: $9.99

Jan, 2001

Used: $20.93
Oct, 2000
New: $64.80

Used: $29.42
Jan, 2000

Used: $17.17

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