Alice et le tigre de jade

(The Mystery of the Jade Tiger)

Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #104

SOMETIMES AN OBJECT OF UNPARALLELED BEAUTY CAN BE THE SOURCE OF UNTOLD DANGER . . . Nancy's in California to investigate a series of break-ins at the home of her father's friend Terry Kirkland. A Vietnam vet, Terry came away from the conflict with a trunk full of memories. But unknown to him, the trunk also holds a mystery -- an exotic secret that now threatens to destroy his family A twisted trail of intrigue and corruption leads Nancy to a shocking revelation. The truth behind the burglaries rests with a soldier who vanished on a top-secret mission. But the trail of the tiger doesn't end in the jungle -- it leads right to Terry's door.

Booko found 7 book editions

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Sep, 2013

Sep, 2013
New: $9.89

Sep, 2013
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Oct, 1999

Dec, 1991
New: $77.87

Used: $19.70
Dec, 1991

Oct, 1995

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