Mortal Coil

Skulduggery Pleasant #5

Meet Skulduggery Pleasant: detective, sorcerer, warrior.

Oh yeah. And dead.

Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain are back – just in time to see their whole world get turned upside down.

With Valkyrie struggling to protect her dark secret, Skulduggery and the gang are more vulnerable than ever, just as a plague of body-snatching Remnants are released upon the world…

Booko found 24 book editions

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Apr, 2011

Jan, 1724
New: $277.00

Sep, 2018

Sep, 2018

Sep, 2018
New: $23.16

Used: $25.18
Sep, 2018

Sep, 2018
New: $7.99

Mar, 2018

Aug, 2012

Used: $34.99
Aug, 2011
New: $18.00

Used: $18.95
Mar, 2011
New: $17.75

Used: $15.94
Sep, 2010

Sep, 2010
New: $30.89

Sep, 2010
New: $86.69

Used: $22.71
Sep, 2010
New: $7.99

Sep, 2010
New: $39.99

Sep, 2010
New: $7.99

United Kingdom Sep, 2010
New: $24.00

Used: $15.00
United Kingdom Sep, 2010
New: $113.13

Used: $21.66
Sep, 2010
New: $150.31

Used: $35.25

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