The Arctic Incident

Artemis Fowl #2

Someone has been supplying Class A illegal human power sources to the goblins. Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit is sure that her arch-enemy, thirteen-year-old Artemis Fowl, is responsible. But is he? Artemis has his own problems to deal with: his father is being held to ransom and only a miracle will save him. Maybe this time a brilliant plan just won't be enough. Maybe this time Artemis needs...

Booko found 157 book editions and 2 video editions

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Jul, 2011

Used: $272.92
Jan, 2011

Jan, 2011
New: $10.55

Jun, 2010
New: $66.47

Used: $273.91
Mar, 2006

Used: $234.75
Sep, 2005
New: $73.47

Used: $30.02
Jul, 2005

Used: $18.83
Nov, 2002

Used: $813.30
New: $99.76

Used: $48.33

New: $32.82

Used: $30.69
Oct, 2009

May, 2007

Used: $42.25
Jan, 2002

Used: $37.22

New: $62.03

Apr, 2019

May, 2017
New: $175.21

Mar, 2007
New: $66.76

Used: $11.94
Jun, 2005

Used: $11.15
Sep, 2002
New: $222.53

Used: $17.59

Oct, 2015
New: $45.08

Used: $39.43
Oct, 2012
New: $16.20

Jun, 2009

Used: $20.03
May, 2005

Used: $30.69
Nov, 2003
New: $51.12

Used: $20.88
Aug, 2002

Used: $30.69
May, 2002

Used: $17.13
Feb, 2005

Used: $30.02
Oct, 2002

Used: $34.78

Jun, 2019

Apr, 2005

New: $47.98

New: $241.18

Used: $209.73

Mar, 2011

Used: $30.69

Jan, 2003
New: $37.46

Jan, 2013

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