Darkening of the Light: Witnessing the End of an Era

A compelling insight into the impact that external, ecological damage has on the inner self, this spiritual exploration argues that although spiritual teachings reveal that events in the outer world are a reflection of changes taking place in the inner world, there is little awareness and discussion of how this outer darkening is reflected within. The book tells the story of changes that have been taking place in the inner worlds that belong to a collective spiritual destiny and the fate of the planet, changes that are as significant as the ecological devastation even as they are unreported and unacknowledged. It asserts that destruction of the surrounding world, as it continues, is reflected in the inner worlds of all people through a loss of sacred light, and the threat of a soulless wasteland looms large. The book seeks to address readers' futures as individuals and as a whole, and to inspire people to take responsibility for the earth and reclaim human's sacred role as guardians of Earth.

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Nov, 2013

Nov, 2013
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