The Assassin

Isaac Bell #8

Preparing to investigate Standard Oil's monopoly when a sniper shoots key opponents and blows up an independent refinery, Van Dorn private detective Isaac Bell engages in a daring cat-and-mouse chase through America and Russia to stop the killer. Co-written by the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Ghost Ship.

Booko found 42 book editions

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Jul, 2021
New: $42.43

Jun, 2021
New: $75.11

Used: $54.63
Jun, 2021

Jan, 2021
New: $63.79

Mar, 2015

Feb, 2015

Sep, 2011

New: $187.00

New: $38.85

Oct, 2017

Apr, 2017

Used: $14.88
May, 2016
New: $73.51

Used: $44.47
Mar, 2016
New: $21.69

Used: $15.96
Feb, 2016
New: $254.21

Used: $35.00

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