Sensitive and ThrivingMy Family's Journey from Stress, Struggle, and ...

Author Karin Amali begins her parenting life as a supermum-running a business and managing a family. On the face of it, she is smiling. But underneath the mask, there are major problems. She battles depression and her two sons have been diagnosed with ADHD, Asperger's, learning and behaviour issues, anaphylaxis, allergies, asthma, eczema, and sleep apnea. Amali then experiences a breakdown and realizes something has to change. She visits doctors and specialists, and they offer no real solutions other than drugs. She embarks on a mission to discover the causes of her family's health issues and how they can be healed. Her mantra is: "I just want my family to be happy and healthy." In Sensitive and Thriving, Amali shares the story of her family's journey to health and happiness and includes practical solutions on how to raise a family. Rather than definitive health rules and guidelines, she provides hope and inspiration to parents and a gentle reminder that we all have everything we need to heal and find happiness and health.

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