Color Atlas of Anatomy

This atlas features outstanding full-color photographs of actual cadaver dissections, with accompanying schematic drawings and diagnostic images. The photographs depict anatomic structures more realistically than illustrations in traditional atlases and show students exactly what they will see in the dissection lab. Chapters are organized by region in order of a typical dissection. Each chapter presents structures both in a systemic manner from deep to surface, and in a regional manner. This edition has sixteen additional pages of clinical images—including CT and MRI—that students can compare with cross-sectional anatomic photographs. Many pictures have been electronically enhanced or rescanned for better contrasts.

Booko found 13 book editions

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Aug, 2012

Mar, 1993

Used: $43.03
Feb, 2015
New: $147.65

Used: $30.69
United States Apr, 2010
New: $273.87

Used: $86.85
Mar, 2010
New: $600.21

Used: $154.67
Mar, 2010
New: $876.63

Used: $52.44
Sep, 2007
New: $230.04

Used: $40.90
Jul, 2006
New: $189.16

Used: $40.65
Mar, 2002
New: $178.37

Used: $37.90
Mar, 2002

Used: $192.41
Jan, 1998
New: $131.91

Used: $35.44
Jan, 1993
New: $93.58

Used: $38.81
Jan, 1988
New: $180.27

Used: $39.92

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