Prometheus Design

Star Trek Pocket Books

Captain Kirk and his crew are on a mission to investigate the mysterious wave of violence that has overtaken the Helvans -- revolutions, mass riots, horrible tortures. This chaos is all part of an experiment by an unimaginable power that soon grips even the crew of the U.S.S. EnterpriseTM. Captain Kirk is plagued by violent hallucinations and removed from command. Spock takes charge but his orders seem irrational, even cruel. Unless this terrible power can be stopped, not only the Starship Enterprise, but an entire galaxy will be ensnared in the deadly grip of the Prometheus Design.

Part of the series Star Trek Pocket Books

Booko found 7 book editions

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May, 2000

United States Nov, 1988
New: $142.06

Used: $20.79
Oct, 1986
New: $84.90

Used: $16.98
United Kingdom Jun, 1986

Nov, 1994

Used: $11.63
Aug, 1983
New: $159.02

Used: $25.25
Mar, 1982
New: $83.03

Used: $20.79

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