The People of Sparks

Book of Ember #2

When the people of the underground city of Ember follow Lina and Doon to the surface, little prepares them for what they will encounter. They discover a world of colour, warmth and light. The people of the small village of Sparks seem willing to help them, at first, but life on the surface has its dark side too.

Booko found 54 book editions

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Jul, 2009

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Apr, 2005

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Used: $29.47
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Used: $15.48
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Used: $46.35
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Used: $45.22
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May, 2004
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Used: $21.40
May, 2004

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May, 2004

Used: $31.50

Apr, 2007

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Jan, 2005

Nov, 2006

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