Blue Moon

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter

Plenty of romantic tension and witty dialog, which will please romantic comedy fans and those who enjoy the feisty heroines of Helen Fielding or Jennifer Crusie." - Library Journal. When archeologist Jeanne Madison locates a sunken Spanish ship off the Mexican coast, she sees it as a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity. If she can salvage the Luna Azul-the Blue Moon-she can also save her big brothers' under-funded Mexican mission project and secure her professional reputation. She'll do it too, if the cynical captain she's hired can keep his rust-bucket of a ship afloat long enough to bring up the artifacts - and if she can keep herself from throwing him overboard, or falling into his arms. It's dreamer vs. schemer in a bantering battle of wills until another player joins the game and the stakes rise.

Booko found 5 book editions

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Oct, 2011

Oct, 2008

Oct, 2006

Used: $46.75
Apr, 2006
New: $25.97

Used: $50.15
Dec, 2005
New: $64.45

Used: $32.74

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