On Basilisk Station

Honor Harrington #1

Comprehensive Teacher's Guide available.

Booko found 31 book editions

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May, 2017

Dec, 2012

Mar, 2009

Mar, 2009

Aug, 2002

Oct, 1994

New: $77.50

Used: $55.35

Nov, 2014

Apr, 2013
New: $752.21

Used: $567.22
May, 2009
New: $139.95

Used: $121.22
May, 2009

May, 2009

May, 2009

Used: $64.41
Jul, 2005
New: $66.65

Used: $23.06
United States Aug, 2002
New: $28.98

Used: $22.50
Jun, 2000

Used: $16.40
Feb, 1999
New: $461.54

Used: $69.07
Sep, 1998
New: $71.27

Used: $26.27
Nov, 1993

United States Jan, 1900
New: $54.57

Used: $23.05

New: $91.60

Used: $77.47
May, 2017
New: $40.32

Used: $9.04
May, 2006

Used: $22.64
Jan, 2002
New: $62.01

Used: $26.22
Jan, 2016

Used: $39.44
Jan, 2016

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of On Basilisk Station.