Piccolo bruco Maisazio

(The Very Hungry Caterpillar)

Tutti i bruchi diventeranno farfalle, ma come fanno? Per imparare uno dei misteri della natura, per crescere insieme a un simpatico bruco che non smette mai di mangiare, per diventare farfalle e spiccare il volo, tra fantasia e realtà . Una prima lettura formata da pagine ora tagliate, ora bucate o sagomate, in versione cartonata. Età di lettura: da 4 anni. Annotation Supplied by Informazioni Editoriali

Booko found 196 book editions and 1 toy

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United Kingdom Sep, 1994
New: $12.55

Used: $10.60
Aug, 1994

Aug, 1994
New: $165.99

Used: $27.73
Mar, 1994
New: $22.79

Used: $11.87
Mar, 1994

Mar, 1994
New: $58.77

Used: $27.96
Oct, 1992

Used: $48.72
United Kingdom Jul, 1992
New: $22.85

Used: $21.11
Jul, 1992
New: $22.85

Used: $29.93
United Kingdom Jul, 1992

United Kingdom Jul, 1992
New: $44.85

Used: $61.91
United Kingdom Jul, 1992
New: $165.21

Used: $24.78
Jul, 1992
New: $22.85

Used: $35.21
Sep, 1991

Sep, 1990

Jun, 1989

Used: $43.36
Jun, 1989

Used: $33.57
May, 1987
New: $29.53

Used: $14.10
Mar, 1986
New: $62.60

Used: $15.89
Apr, 1983
New: $99.17

Used: $41.90
Oct, 1981
New: $40.94

Used: $19.59
Jan, 1979

Used: $28.88
Mar, 1974
New: $224.91

Used: $12.30
Jan, 1900
New: $37.98

Used: $32.11

Used: $44.95

Used: $39.94
New: $87.12

Used: $18.93
Apr, 2003

Jan, 2003

Mar, 2009

Dec, 1989

Dec, 1989

Oct, 2012

Aug, 2012

Dec, 2011

Oct, 2010

Aug, 2009

Jun, 2007

Sep, 2006

Jul, 1994

Jul, 1989

Jun, 2011

Mar, 2009

Oct, 2004

Jan, 2003

Dec, 2001

Jun, 1998

Aug, 2009

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.