Tarzan of the Apes


Abandoned to his fate when his English parents die in the African jungle, a baby boy is rescued and reared by a loving ape foster mother. Conquering the savage laws of the wilderness, Tarzan grows into a mighty warrior and becomes leader of his tribe of apes until he encounters, for the first time, his own kind - humans. An expedition of white treasure hunters has entered his jungle kingdom, accompanied...

Booko found 221 book editions and 1 video edition

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Aug, 2008
New: $17.24

Used: $21.10
United States Aug, 2008

Jul, 2008

Jul, 2008

United Kingdom May, 2008
New: $26.09

Used: $13.90
Feb, 2007
New: $58.95

Jan, 2007
New: $53.51

Jan, 2007
New: $23.28

May, 2006

Apr, 2006
New: $35.66

Used: $23.58
Jan, 2004

Sep, 2003

Jan, 2003

Feb, 2001

Jan, 1999

Nov, 1997
New: $71.47

Used: $71.26
Sep, 1991

United States May, 1991
New: $26.27

Used: $16.81
United States Oct, 1990
New: $25.27

Used: $15.88
United States Jul, 1981
New: $222.81

Used: $22.13
Jun, 1912

May, 2018

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