A Midsummer Night's Dream

Shakespearean comedy

A young woman flees Athens with her lover, only to be pursued by her would-be husband and by her best friend. Unwittingly, all four find themselves in an enchanted forest where fairies and sprites soon take an interest in human affairs, dispensing magical love potions and casting mischievous spells. In this dazzling comedy, confusion ends in harmony, as love is transformed, misplaced, and ultimately...

Booko found 119 book editions and 2 video editions

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Oct, 1996

Used: $225.67
Oct, 1996
New: $73.66

Used: $24.40
United States Jan, 1993
New: $19.02

Used: $14.66
Jan, 1993
New: $34.53

Used: $47.33
Jan, 1993
New: $32.81

Used: $21.65
May, 1992
New: $14.33

Used: $14.84
Feb, 1992
New: $45.90

Used: $11.97
Jan, 1992
New: $12.19

Used: $10.99
Dec, 1989

Used: $45.63
United Kingdom Oct, 1989
New: $25.43

Used: $12.90
Jan, 1988

Jan, 1988
New: $14.62

Used: $20.82
United States Apr, 1985
New: $40.67

Used: $23.65
United Kingdom Jan, 1985
New: $19.00

Used: $29.95
Nov, 1979
New: $126.60

Used: $12.51
Sep, 1979
New: $479.14

Used: $36.70
Sep, 1979
New: $228.46

Used: $17.22
United Kingdom Dec, 1969
New: $214.32

Used: $18.78
Jan, 1967
New: $144.76

Used: $6.99
Jan, 1965
New: $117.95

Used: $15.49

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of A Midsummer Night's Dream.