Old Man's War

Old Man's War

John Scalzi is an author and online writer, known for his blog Whatever, at which he has written daily on a number of topics since 1998. Old Man's War, his first novel, was a finalist in the Hugo Awards.

Booko found 16 book editions

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Dec, 2014

Mar, 2012

Feb, 2011
New: $9.99

Oct, 2017
New: $94.10

Used: $68.23
Nov, 2015
New: $22.27

Used: $18.56
Feb, 2011

May, 2008

Used: $1,524.32
Oct, 2007

United Kingdom Jun, 2007

Used: $15.38
Apr, 2007

Apr, 2007

Jan, 2007
New: $18.00

Used: $16.25
Mar, 2006
New: $9.99

Dec, 2005
New: $27.09

Used: $38.35
Jan, 2005
New: $136.50

Used: $108.15
New: $31.98

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