Echoes of Honor

Honor Harrington #8

Her enemies think she has been executed, but Commodore Honor Harrington is actually interned on the prison planet Hell, from which she is determined to escape. Reissue.

Booko found 15 book editions

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Jul, 2010

Dec, 2009

Nov, 2008

Oct, 2001

Used: $37.55
May, 2018
New: $1,001.21

Used: $420.12
Apr, 2014
New: $183.99

Jun, 2013

Jun, 2013
New: $236.77

Jun, 2013

Apr, 2013

Used: $249.89
Dec, 2012
New: $10.26

Dec, 2009
New: $38.66

Oct, 1999
New: $21.56

Used: $21.57
Oct, 1999
New: $6.99

Oct, 1998
New: $45.45

Used: $15.95

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