Pandora's star

Commonwealth Saga

Peter F. Hamilton was born in Rutland in 1960, and still lives near Rutland Water. He began writing in 1987, and sold his first short story to Fear magazine in 1988. He has also been published in Interzone and the In Dreams and New World anthologies, and several small press publications. His previous novels are the Greg Mandel series: Mindstar Rising (1993), A Quantum Murder (1994) and The Nano Flower (1995); and the bestselling Night's Dawn Trilogy: The Reality Dysfunction, The Neutronium Alchemist and The Naked God. His most recent two novels were Fallen Dragon and Misspent Youth.

Booko found 13 book editions

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Aug, 2009

Dec, 2008

Oct, 2014
New: $146.18

Used: $23.40
United Kingdom Jan, 2011
New: $334.21

Used: $25.18
Nov, 2008

Nov, 2008
New: $155.75

Mar, 2005

Used: $20.74
Jan, 2005
New: $22.54

Used: $18.61
Nov, 2004
New: $9.99

Mar, 2004
New: $117.41

Used: $53.00

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