Japanese Farm Food

'Japanese Farm Food' offers a unique window into life on a Japanese farm through the simple, clear-flavoured recipes cooked from family crops and other local, organic products. The multitude of vibrant images by Kenji Miura of green fields, a traditional farmhouse, antique baskets and ceramic bowls filled with beautiful, simple dishes are interwoven with Japanese indigo fabrics to convey an intimate, authentic portrait of life and food on a Japanese farm.

Booko found 10 book editions and 1 video edition

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Sep, 2012

Jun, 2021

May, 2021
New: $47.71

Used: $58.69
Sep, 2012
New: $137.94

Sep, 2012
New: $137.94

Sep, 2012
New: $137.94

Sep, 2012
New: $31.89

Sep, 2012
New: $15.63

Sep, 2012
New: $71.24

Used: $73.99
Sep, 2012
New: $137.94

Sep, 2012
New: $137.94

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