Beware What You Wish (Charmed)


When wishes give dark powers life Stark disaster becomes rife. Danger, chaos, evil rise Before our unsuspecting eyes While photopgraphing Stephen Tremaine, a wealthy businessman running for public office, Prue notices an ancient stone statue from South America. Then, the next morning, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe are disturbed by the number of tragic incidents in the news. Wishing she could foresee more calamities in order to prevent them, Phoebe suddenly gets dizzy, but the feeling passes. Soon Phoebe is having more visions than she can handle -- and the sisters can't keep up with the impending accidents and disasters. Then a terrible vision sends the Halliwells to a charity carnival, where Tremaine will face his opponent. The Charmed Ones must summon the Power of Three to avert a tragedy and save San Francisco -- if they can find out which disaster to stop

Part of the series Charmed

Booko found 2 book editions

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Oct, 2001

Jul, 2001

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