The Ringworld Engineers

Ringworld series #2

When Louis Wu returns to Ringworld as a captive of the Hindmost, he discovers the world is no longer stable, and he must locate the control center of the legendary engineers who first built the planet.

Booko found 67 book editions

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Apr, 2015
New: $10.20

May, 2013
New: $136.87

Jan, 2012

Oct, 2011
New: $217.78

Used: $67.77
Oct, 2011
New: $76.90

Used: $64.06
Nov, 2008

May, 1997

Used: $36.92
United States Nov, 1985
New: $18.55

Used: $21.52
United Kingdom Aug, 1982
New: $20.99

Used: $15.63
Jan, 1982

Used: $15.13
Mar, 1980
New: $184.74

Used: $33.60
Jan, 1980
New: $688.21

Used: $60.10
Jun, 1979
New: $73.54

Used: $716.24

May, 2010

Dec, 2018

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