The Clue of the Velvet Mask

Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #30

When a gang that uses parties as a cover for robberies victimizes a masquerade party Nancy is attending, the teen-age detective switches identity with her girl friend to solve the case.

Part of the series Nancy Drew Mystery Stories

Booko found 22 book editions

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Aug, 2023
New: $5.56

Jan, 1974

Used: $467.91
Jan, 1953

Used: $117.74

Jan, 1984

Used: $13.13
Dec, 1974

Used: $34.98
Jan, 1953
New: $21.37

Used: $17.78
Jan, 1953
New: $11.99

Jan, 1953
New: $11.99

Oct, 2006

Used: $20.68
May, 2002

Used: $26.83
May, 1993

Used: $17.16
Jan, 1983

Used: $16.22

Used: $22.10

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