Miss Marple al Bertram Hotel

(At Bertram's Hotel)

Miss Marple #10

At Bertram’s Hotel the intrepid Miss Marple, on holiday in London, must solve a deadly mystery at the end of a chain of very violent events.

An old-fashioned London hotel is not quite as reputable as it makes out to be.…

When Miss Marple comes up from the country for a holiday in London, she finds what she’s looking for at Bertram’s Hotel: traditional decor, impeccable service, and an unmistakable atmosphere of danger behind the highly-polished veneer.

Yet, not even Miss Marple can foresee the violent chain of events set in motion when an eccentric guest makes his way to the airport on the wrong day.…

Booko found 136 book editions and 2 video editions

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Used: $52.87
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Used: $21.75
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New: $16.89

Used: $15.46
Sep, 2007
New: $144.29

Used: $28.15
Jun, 2007
New: $25.89

United Kingdom Mar, 2006
New: $180.30

Used: $28.39
Jul, 2004
New: $328.21

Used: $30.74
United Kingdom Jul, 2004
New: $57.99

Used: $26.45
May, 2003

Used: $35.36
Apr, 2003
New: $105.99

Used: $25.45
Oct, 2002
New: $338.99

Sep, 2002
New: $68.77

Sep, 2002

Used: $27.59
Jan, 2002

Used: $22.12
May, 2001
New: $191.48

Used: $19.70
Oct, 1999

Used: $143.41
United States Sep, 1992

Feb, 1992

Jan, 1991

Used: $19.51
Jan, 1991

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